No Other Saviour: EP by Joyful Noise
If Christ is Mine (Live)
If Christ is mine celebrates the sufficiency of Christ for the believer. We are united with him in all his fullness – all of Christ is all of ours. He is enough.
This recording was made at Word Alive 2023
If Christ is mine I need no more
He is the greatest gift of all
The one who angel hosts adore
Now has me safely in his hold
His life my life! His death my death!
All mine his every righteous breath!
‘My precious child!’ the father cries
When all of Christ is all of mine!
If Christ is mine my guilt is gone
It died with Him upon the tree
The weight of sin I held so long
Was laid on Jesus there for me
O sweet forgiveness! Precious peace!
Condemned no more! My soul is free!
My weary burden cast aside!
When all of Christ is all of mine!
If Christ is mine I will not fear
Though many stand against his name
Above their noise his voice is clear
‘Behold! I’ve overcome the grave!’
My living lord! My risen king!
What’s left to fear if I’m with him?
For death is swallowed up in life
When all of Christ is all of mine!
What joy to know that Christ is mine!
Who holds me ever in his love
The sure foundation of my life
Whose grace will always be enough!
Though all I have is stripped away
Still I rejoice for Christ remains!
And when he comes he’ll lift me high
For all of Christ is all of mine!
Journey's End
“No man ever need despair of reaching his journey’s end if he has once committed his soul to Christ’s keeping”
J.C. Ryle
Expository thoughts, Mark 4v35-41
Come weary traveller fix your hope
Upon your journey’s end,
When unrestrained, his grace will pay
For every labour spent.
Though now you toil soon shall you rest;
Though now you must contend,
You soon shall be forever blessed
Upon your journey’s end
See Christ, his journey’s end in mind,
Ascending Calvary’s hill;
For heaven’s joy endured the cross
And bears your burdens still;
See perfect love and innocence
By all the world condemned;
Yet gladly bore the shame that you
Might reach your journey’s end
Praise to the God of grace!
O what a sure and glorious hope!
He all our strength and praise
As we make our journey home
What storms you’ll weather, trials endure,
Lie far beyond your sight;
Yet anxious traveller rest secure:
You’ll soon be home with Christ!
He walks with you through fearful days,
Your sure and faithful friend;
And soon you’ll see his smiling face
Upon your journey’s end
Praise to the God of grace!
Come weary traveller fix your hope
Upon your journey’s end;
When crowds of angels cheer you home,
And God himself descends:
‘My good and faithful servant come
You journeyed long and hard;
Now everlasting joy is yours
My child you’re home at last.’
Praise to the God of grace!
Lord We Pray For Peace
For brothers and sisters across the world who long for peace.
Lord we pray for peace
To heal our fractured world
Send your love to conquer
Where darkness overwhelms
Jesus full of mercy
Hear our anguished plea
Prince of Peace and Lord of love
We pray to you for peace
Have mercy Lord Jesus!
We cry to you today!
Have mercy Lord Jesus!
Have mercy on us Lord, we pray.
Lord we pray for peace
Where lives are torn apart
Hope of every nation
Restore each broken heart
Jesus Rock and Refuge
Comfort those who flee
Master of the raging storm
We pray to you for peace
Have mercy…
Lord we pray for peace
Where fear is all around
May your love enfold us
May faith and hope abound
Jesus lord and victor
Come and set us free
Saviour who has crushed the grave
We pray to you for peace

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